Let the whole of this work be a tribute to the Lion and the Lamb, paid in homage to Nesta, whose lyrical offerings are more eloquent, and whose vocal expressions are more heartfull, than any ever heard upon this planet. If King David’s Psalms prove out to be a collection of the Holy Works of an era rather than a single Being, then there is no longer even a contest. Bob is King in the New Kingdom of Music. Think about all the great Musicians in Heaven; Who is He that gets to choose among them so?
This book is a love letter from myself to the Holy City, the Solar Goddess, La Heavana Musica, Jahsheba Zion; a plea from Father Sky to Mother Earth. A Human must do what Jah LORD requests. I am not being unreasonable when suggesting that Zion lead the solar conversion.
Your insight, caring, and striving for justice, have truly lit up Our world and moved the people forward. Descendants and Disciples of Ras Tafari; keep and Defend the Faith, for Jeshua and Moses guide Your every move, while Elijah and His Majesty observe with glowing approval. Kidist Etiopia, Your Light shines out over all the nations, bringing Peace to the lands. Jeshua, thank You for everything. Let the peoples Unite, and the healing begin. Truly, We give thanks for everything, praise Jeshua.
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