Our Queen Omega Menen, Our King Alpha Tafari, shine forth unto Judah, and bring Your full warmth to Jerusalem, in Her hour of need. For Your Prince has become Your King, and the Holy Daughter, the Royal Princess, is ascending as Jah Queen of Holy Light, and She shall live forever with Jah King of Truth and Love. I and I are servants of Jeshua and Humanity, and We thank You O LORD for the Health that provides this opportunity.
Billy Preston, Paul McCartney, Modern, Crown, Aladdin, Imperial, Federal, Chess, King, Specialty, Lloyd Price, Eddie Guitar Slim Jones, Ray Charles Robinson, Clarence Fountain, Alabama Blind Boys, Bumps Blackwell, Fats Domino, Lee Allen, Alvin Red Tyler, Earl Palmer, Edgar Blanchard, Justin Adams, Huey Piano Smith, James Booker, Frank Fields, Ricardo Wayne Penniman, Dorothy La Bostrie, Dinah Washington, Henry Nash, Lee Angel, Nathaniel Douglas, Charles Connor, Olsie Robinson, Wilbert Smith, Clifford Burks, Grady Gaines, Bill Haley, Maybelle Jackson, Eddie Cochran, H.B. Barnum, Charles White, J.W. Alexander, Stevie Wonder, John Lennon, Bo Diddley, Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix.
La Heavana Musica - Chapter Three
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