Solar Energy Advantages
Solar is a clean, efficient, and sustainable form of energy. The world-wide demand for Solar photovoltaic (PV) energy is greater than supply, with lead times now 3 - 6 months from suppliers. When the cost of supplying electricity to remote locations is expensive, solar energy becomes a cost-effective alternative.
Cost Benefits
The cost of PV systems has come down 25 fold over the last 20 years and they are now often the most cost effective in remote energy applications such as cabins and resorts. Photovoltaics are economical today, especially in light of the high cost of connecting to local utilities in remote locations.
Environmental Benefits
In recent opinion polls, solar energy scored higher than all other forms of energy when participants were asked what type of energy is best for future generations.
Economics of Solar Energy
Solar power systems can be a much less expensive way to develop power on your remote property.
Save Money with Energy Efficiency
Conservation—the first thing to do before buying an independent power system!
Regardless of the power generation source you are using, reducing consumption with energy-efficient appliances and lights will save you money. Even if you decide not to use solar energy, you'll still enjoy the financial benefits of energy efficiency and reduce wear and tear on the environment.
Links to other Solar Energy Resources
Links to Solar Energy advocates, government organizations, and other manufacturers of Solar Energy Products.
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