from Gabby's website:
Appropriations Requests, FY2008
I went to Washington to change the way Congress does business. As one of the few Members of Congress to fully disclose the list of funding requests for my district, I believe that our government must be accessible to all Americans. In past years, the public did not know which federal projects had been championed by their U.S. Representative because requests were made anonymously behind closed doors.
The voters in Arizona’s 8th Congressional District elected me to fight for reform. In the first hours of this new Congress, I was proud to support legislation that created more openness and transparency in our federal government. For more information about this legislation, click here.
In a continued effort to make necessary changes, I have gone beyond the new requirements and disclosed all funding requests that I submitted to the House Appropriations Committee for Fiscal Year 2008. They are listed below. I was very selective in deciding which district projects or programs to support and closely evaluated each one based on whether or not it would effectively address the concerns and needs of Southern Arizona.
The majority of these requests will not be approved due to a drastic reduction in funds, but I thought that they were important to bring to the attention to Congress because they assist our community in areas of public health, homeland security, economic development and technology innovation.
Ultimately, these are your taxpayer dollars and I believe that it is import for you to know what I requested and why. Please review the list and I look forward to hearing back from you as to your priorities for Southern Arizona.
Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies
Agricultural Research Service Southwest Watershed Research Center$750,000 was requested to allow the United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) Southwest Watershed Research Center of Tucson, Arizona to participate in the Upper San Pedro Partnership. The Partnership was formed as a public-private initiative to protect the San Pedro River after years of drought and increased growth in surrounding areas threatened the survival of the river.
Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies
Interoperable Communications: Pima County Wireless Integrated Network$2,000,000 was requested to purchase new radios and other interoperable communications equipment for the first responders in Pima County, which will allow the different agencies to communicate during an emergency.
Tucson Finger Imaging System Upgrade $1,500,000 was requested to pay for equipment for Arizona's Automated Finger Imaging System (AFIS), providing law enforcement with rapid access to an electronic, statewide fingerprint database, and the ability to implement rapid identification programs in the field.
Tucson Methamphetamine Education Program $750,000 was requested to support efforts of the Counter Narcotics Alliance (CNA), a coalition of local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, to combat a serious and growing Methamphetamine problem in Tucson and the surrounding areas.
AIM-120D Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) Supports the Department of Defense’s request for the purchase of AMRAAM missiles for the U.S. Navy. The AMRAAM missile is the primary air-to-air missile used by the U.S. Navy.
Asymmetric Threat Response and Analysis Project (ATRAP)$5,000,000 was requested for a University of Arizona research project, in conjunction with Fort Huachuca, to develop computerized tools to predict insurgent activity for Army intelligence troops.
High Specific Energy Rechargeable Battery$3,450,000 was requested for a Department of Defense research project on lightweight battery technology to reduce weight and increase battery life of batteries carried by soldiers.
Javelin Missile $187,200,000 was requested for the Javelin missile which is being used regularly in Iraq and Afghanistan. This request came from the Army’s official unfunded requirements list which contains the projects the Army would spend money on if it had addition resources, and in which order. This was one of the Army’s highest priorities.
Miniature Air-Launched DecoySupports the Department of Defense request for Air Force development and procurement of the Miniature Air-Launched Decoy system, which is dropped from a jet and mimics the radar signature of real aircraft, confusing and jamming enemy radar and anti-aircraft systems.
Silver Fox and Manta Unmaned Ariel Systems (UAS)$5,000,000 was requested for an Army research project, in conjunction with Fort Huachuca, to develop high-tech sensors for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).
Silver Fox Unmaned Ariel Systems (UAS)$10,000,000 was requested for a Navy demonstration project of small UAVs, which have already been tested and approved by Marines in Iraq but need further evaluation before they are widely adopted.
Standard Missile-2 Service Life Extension Project$15,000,000 was requested for the Standard Missile-2. The Standard Missile-2 is the Navy’s premier ship defense missile, designed to shoot down incoming missile threats. The missile was recently upgraded, and the Life Extension Project saves money by converting older missiles to the new variation instead of having to purchase all new ones. Training requirements cause the Navy to expend and replace these missiles regularly.
Energy and Water Development
Canoa Ranch, Pima County AZ – Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration$250,000 was requested to re-establish the Canoa Spring site recreating wetlands and aquatic habitat. This project is located along the Santa Cruz River in southeastern Pima County, Arizona, and will also attract native amphibians, semi-aquatic reptiles, and bird species.
Feasibility study on Flood Control and Restoration - Santa Cruz River, Grant to Fort Lowell Road, Pima$800,000 was requested to complete a study initiated in 2003 by the Army Corps of Engineers. The area along this stretch of the Santa Cruz River is subject to extensive lateral bank erosion.
Flood Control, Habitat Preservation and Mitigation: Tanque Verde Creek Project $3,600,000 was requested to build flood mitigation and habitat preservation along the Tanque Verde Creek between Sabino Canyon Road and Craycroft Road. Flooding in 1994 along the Tanque Verde Creek resulted in significant damage to the Craycroft Road Bridge, a major sewer interceptor line, and private property.
Sierra Vista/San Pedro Sub-watershed Study$200,000 was requested that will be used to assist in the development of a water resource management plan that will balance water use by the City of Sierra Vista and Fort Huachuca against the needs of the San Pedro River. It will provide a feasibility study to identify one or more alternatives for project implementation and construction and include a detailed analysis of viable alternatives under the National Environmental Policy Act process. The continued existence of the Army's Fort Huachuca, which includes the Army Intelligence Center, is contingent upon the river's survival.
Solar Energy Research – University of Arizona$1,050,000 was requested to build and test new solar array technology. The University of Arizona Mirror Lab has developed a new approach to photovoltaic energy in which the primary sunlight collection is accomplished using sheets of glass formed into lens arrays. This approach replaces large expensive solar arrays with low-cost and durable architectural glass. The project aims to overcome the primary difficulty in harvesting free sunlight energy: the construction and operation of a large area of solar collectors.
Town of Marana, Wastewater Treatment and Distribution Infrastructure$5,250,000 was requested to expand the existing Marana Wastewater Treatment Facility. The Pima County Wastewater Management Department is the designated regional wastewater treatment provider for all of Pima County, including the Town of Marana. The northern portion of the Town of Marana is currently served by a modest sanitary sewer conveyance and treatment facility, which was designed and installed to support a predominantly rural area. Due to major growth, enhancements to this infrastructure are necessary to provide an environmentally safe means of sewage collection and treatment.
Tucson Convention Center Solar Energy Project $1,000,000 was requested that will be used to help install a photovoltaic solar panel array on the Tucson Convention Center (TCC) complex. This project will offset traditional electricity usage, saving $65,000 annually, and is the first phase of a project intended to eventually offset 100% of the Convention Center's Energy Usage.
Tucson Drainage Area (Arroyo Chico)$20,000,000 was requested to pay for a flood control and mitigation process for the Tucson Drainage Area (Arroyo Chico). This is a major urban flood control project that extends through central and downtown Tucson, and was authorized for construction by the Water Resources Development Act of 1999. It will help protect the Tucson downtown financial district and Interstate-10. Unfortunately, construction and fuel costs have risen significantly recently, and the total cost of this project is now estimated at $60M.
Financial Services and General Government
Kids Voting: National Student/Parent Mock Election$275,000 was requested that will be used to fund the National Student/Parent Mock Election, the largest kids voting program in the United States. Over 26 years, this non-profit has organized tens of thousands of volunteers to educate and inform voters in all 50 states, Washington, DC and American schools all around the world. Jointly funded between Financial Services and Labor-HHS.
House Appropriations Committee Approved $200,000.
Homeland Security
Douglas International Drainage Ditch Project to handle storm run off and increase safety for border patrol agents$12,364,100 was requested to replace approximately 1.3 miles of unstable earthen ditch with a concrete channel. It is a severe officer safety issue for Border Patrol Agents as subjects use it for cover and concealment. This project will also prevent storm runoff during heavy rains from further eroding an adjacent patrol road and border fence.
Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies
San Pedro Partnership Monitoring and Reporting - USGS$750,000 was requested to enable the United States Geological Survey (USGS) to monitor the San Pedro River and the Sierra Vista subwatershed. The San Pedro River is the last free-flowing river in the west. The continued existence of Fort Huachuca's Army Intelligence Center is contingent upon the river's survival.
USGS objectively measures the progress towards elimination of overdraft, water mitigation and maintenance in the San Pedro basin.
House Appropriations Committee Approved $400,000.
San Pedro River National Conservation Area – Monitoring and Verification – Bureau of Land Management $252,000 was requested to provide the Bureau of Land Management resources for technical coordination services and assistance in preparing their annual report to Congress.
This report documents riparian and water resource conditions in the Sierra Vista Subwatershed of the Upper San Pedro River basin.
Upper San Pedro Partnership$1,000,000 was requested to provide funding for the continuation of activities of the Upper San Pedro Partnership to monitor the San Pedro River and the conditions of the regional aquifer of the Sierra Vista Subwatershed.
Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies
Catholic Community Services of Arizona for Renovation and Construction of Domestic Violence Shelters$1,000,000 was requested to construct and renovate domestic crisis shelters in Sierra Vista and Douglas, Arizona, the sole domestic violence shelters in Cochise County.
Chiricahua Community HealthCenter:Bisbee / Naco Chiricahua Community Health Center $1,500,000 was requested to build a critical new community health center in Bisbee/Naco, Arizona.
House Appropriations Committee Approved $400,000 jointly for the Chiricahua Community Health Center projects in Bisbee/Naco and Douglas.
Chiricahua Community HealthCenter:Renovate Douglas Medical Border Healthcare Clinic$325,000 was requested to renovate and expand an existing community health center in Douglas, Arizona—more than doubling the patient capacity in the facility.
House Appropriations Committee Approved $400,000 jointly for the Chiricahua Community Health Center projects in Bisbee/Naco and Douglas.
Equipping the new Marana Health Center$1,000,000 was requested to purchase major medical equipment for the Department of Radiology for the new Marana Health Center.
House Appropriations Committee Approved $125,000.
Feasibility study for the development and construction of a new hospital in the City of Douglas $80,000 was requested to pay for a feasibility study for the development and construction of a new hospital as a joint venture between the City of Douglas and the Southeastern Arizona Medical Center.
Information and Referral $555,000 was requested to continue service of Southern Arizona's information and referral service, a 24/7 Help on Call that assists Southern Arizona’s most vulnerable populations—seniors, homeless youth and adults, abused individuals, struggling families—in connecting with the appropriate community services for their needs.
Interdisciplinary Diabetes Prevention Management$3,000,000 was requested to support the University of Arizona consortium, whose mission is to prevent and manage diabetes.
House Appropriations Committee Approved $170,000.
Kids Voting: National Student/Parent Mock Election$275,000 was requested that will be used to fund the National Student/Parent Mock Election, the largest kids voting program in the United States. Over 26 years, this non-profit has organized tens of thousands of volunteers to educate and inform voters in all 50 states, Washington, DC and American schools all around the world. Jointly funded between Financial Services and Labor-HHS.
Midwestern University Sierra Vista Postgraduate Program for the Medically Underserved$700,000 was requested to pay for a post-graduate nursing program for the medically underserved in Sierra Vista, Arizona. These funds will help build a partnership between Midwestern University’s Arizona Campus and the Sierra Vista Regional Health Center in Rural Southern Arizona.
University Medical Center Trauma Center Expansion$4,000,000 was requested to help expand the University of Arizona Medical Center trauma center, the only level-1 trauma center in Southern Arizona.
House Appropriations Committee Approved $400,000.
Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies
Chapel, Fort Huachuca$5,000,000 was requested for construction of a new chapel at Fort Huachuca. The increased size of the religious facility will accommodate the nearly 5,000 additional soldiers and family members transferred to Fort Huachuca through the Base Realignment and Closure process. During this process, soldiers from other bases were permanently restationed at Fort Huachuca.
Silver Bell Army Heliport Fire Station$1,900,000 was requested to construct a dedicated fire station for the Army National Guard attack helicopter training site and an Arizona Army National Guard Aviation Battalion. There are billions of dollars worth of equipment and buildings at this site, but the Army Heliport does not currently have its own fire station.
State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs
University of Arizona International Arid Lands Consortium$2,500,000 was requested to support the University of Arizona International Arid Lands Consortium. The consortium conducts educational programming, waste water reuse efforts and arid land management programs to promote sustainable development in the Middle East and Central Asia.
Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies
Construction of Marana Regional Airport Air Traffic Control Tower$4,000,000 was requested to construct a new control tower at the Marana Regional Airport.
Houghton Road Corridor Bridge Replacement, Tucson AZ $5,000,000 was requested to design and construct a replacement bridge to accommodate four lanes of traffic and the additions of pedestrian and bicycle facilities along the Houghton Road Corridor, which is the primary route for distributing traffic in one of the fastest growing areas of metropolitan Tucson.
Marana Twin Peaks Corridor Project$5,000,000 was requested to acquire land for the Twin Peaks Corridor Project in Marana, Arizona which consists of a new bridge over the Santa Cruz River, an interchange on I-10 and an overpass of the Union Pacific Rail Road.
Tucson Buses and Bus Maintenance Facility$10,000,000 was requested to purchase cleaner-burning fuel replacement buses and upgrade the bus maintenance facility.
Well Isn't This Interesting
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