Phonix SonnenStrom AG inaugurated the first 2 MW of a ground-mounted solar power plant, a field of 11,616 solar modules on a surface area more than 602,000 sq. ft. The system has been generating electricity since June.
Upon completion of the plant, expected at the end of the year, the solar electricity plant will have a peak output of 5.3 MW, and will be one of the largest PV plants in the world. The project's power is fed into the grid of the utility company E.ON.
This recent development reinforces Germany's strong position in solar technology. The sharp growth of the German solar market, its export potential, and the promotion of renewable energies can be attributed to the country's generous solar feed-in tariffs passed a few years ago.
The cornerstone for the stellar development of PV is the Renewable Energy Act. It is expected that existing PV plants will continue to enjoy a protected status.
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