The Third Book of Joseph: Word from Addis, Jerusalem, Qumran, Cairo; from Aksum and Punt from the dawn of all time.
This the testament of Joseph Edward, Jah Lifeguard
Son of Trainor and McCooey
Brother of Deborah
Husband of Heather Coreen Lifeguard
Comforter of my body and soul
Father of Rebecca Corrinne Judith Lifeguard
Protector of the arts, of my creators on Earth
Father of Aaron Joseph Sellassie Lifeguard
Uniter of Rasta and Christian peoples
Father of David Jesse Marley Lifeguard
Protector of Justice, Beloved of Jah
Father of Micah Sharon Theresa Marie Lifeguard
Striver with Jah Chosen of Israel
Book of Joseph III: Tribute to Jeshua
My life, love and family are all rooted in the life and teachings of Jeshua. Joseph is a son of the Son; Jah Lifeguard to the wandering modern man. Book One for the Father, Book Two for the Holy Spirit. Book Three for the One they nailed to a tree.
Thank You, LORD JESHUA, YHWH YHSWH, Son of God, Son of Man, Redeemer of Humanity, Saviour of our Souls, Eternal King of Planet Earth.
Moses went into the cloud
And ascended the mountain,
Moses was on the mountain
Forty days and forty nights
He told Him everything He had done
At the time for summoning
And the LORD said to Moses,
Speak to the children of Israel
Do not show favouritism in judgement
Hear the small along with the great
Do not be afraid of anyone
For judgement belongs to God
Do not take a bribe
Fear not, stand firm and you will
See the deliverance of the LORD
That He will achieve for you today
Have faith in freedom and democracy
For Peace and Justice will follow
Hundreds of millions died for these ideals
In the Name of the LORD
Their lives were not in vain
Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt
Shall each provide land to a secular nation,
Israel and Palestine, Lion and Lamb
This the spirit of the Damascus Document
When Jeshua walked on Earth
He Taught mainly in parables
When He anoints, look hard for the lesson
In Adam and Eve and Noah and sons
Adam is Man in the image of YHWH
Not just a two-legged creature
that walked all around
While Noah works today at the university
Building his Arc for My critters to stay
Jesus is Man in the image of YHSWH
Adam with heart with strength and with courage
Teeth that do shine from Truth passing over
Now ye are ready for a lesson of man
Tafari Inafrica shall have no army
For the defense of the Garden
Holy Tafari has no enemy
Inafrica Amhara, Sahara Peace Army
United Nations training and support
Specifically and entirely for peacekeeping
In the way of the LORD, the mission of Ras Tafari
The Supreme Word of Jeshua
Him you shall see
You shall see Him in good health
Before your death
Unto your eyes He will appear
For I and I know
That what is revealed
Is all that is seen
and all that will be
By the power of Melchizedek
Dominion on Earth shall pass from Belial
To the Righteous Sons of Light
Congegration of the Sons of Righteousness,
Heed the message of Jah Ras Tafari, His Majesty
Emperor Haile Sellassie I, Defender of Unity,
Of Jeshua and Man
Ethiopians, Judeans and Palestinians
You share DNA that is absent from others
Ye are the people of the God of History
With great power comes great responsibility
Jah traced out a city
In Kish, the Holy Seven
Laid out the Foundations
A city they established
A fine dwelling place
But a Shepherd they withheld
Etana Jacob Jeshua
Jah Chosen Thirteenth
He who ascended to Heaven
Who consolidated all the lands
Holy Tafari stands forever,
As a testament to Jeshua
A living, breathing, healing
Life-Giving celebration of Christ
Return to me with all your heart and soul,
Obey the words of Jeshua of Nazareth
Fulfiller of the Law
I will deliver ye
From the power of enemies
Redeem ye from being ground under foot
By those who despise you
I will bring Thee
To the land of your fathers
Ye shall be redeemed
and ye shall multiply
I rejoice over Thee
Good Rasta people
I am Jah;
Ye are MY people
Illuminate My words in your works
I was tortured and nailed to a cross
Beaten, strangled and thrown in the ground
Rose again and again in the souls of men
Baptize by water, anoint by fire
ALL chosen Israelites
are anointed by Fire
He walks in my precepts
Observing my commandments
What I regard as upright and good
His Sons shall sit forever
On the throne of the Kingdom of Israel
I shall be with him, and I shall deliver him
From the power of his enemies
And from those who seek his life
He shall rule over His enemies
I shall set HIM at the top
He will long endure over His Kingdom
He and all His Sons after Him
The LORD shall pass his hand over the Earth
Yet a second time, Isaiah foretold
To gather the remnant of MY people
From Syria and Egypt, Europe and Ethiopia
From Israel and Palestine and
the Caribbean Islands
Jah established a sign of the covenant
He set His bow in the clouds;
A memorial of His covenant that
He made with humanity
and all that lives
He will cleanse them of their transgression
They spring up, but their days are as a shadow
Forever shall He be merciful
Consider the might of the LORD
Remember His wonderful deeds
Through awe of Him, may your spirit rejoice
In your time on this Earth
Hold no grudge against your brother
Disciples of His Majesty, seek Jah
To shine in, not on, your countenance
To glow from within, for
It is better to give than to receive
In the spirit of the new way
Heed the law from within
Ten affirmations of discipline;
Thank you, my brother James,
for the inspired translation:
I shall destroy idols
I shall honour one Creator
I shall preserve Thy Name
I shall preserve Jah Sabbath
I shall preserve Life
I shall preserve Love
I shall preserve Truth
I shall preserve goods
I shall honour my parents
I shall destroy jealousy
Jah is Peace
For even if I die
Jah will surely visit ye
And bring you from afar
Unto the Promised Land of your forefathers
From my days in Egypt,
and my days in Nazareth,
You think I learned so little?
I know you, Sons of Abraham
Your tender mercies and your killer smile
Lay down your weary rifles
Your bombs explode in your very soul
Shattering the peace and the lives of good people
When I saw that you killed My Father
and read of the methods you used
I remembered the pain as if two days ago
I am who I am, it is true
A servant of Jeshua at the dawn of the Third Day
A disciple of Jah at the quickening of time
Just Joseph, Jah Lifeguard, family and friends
Touched by the Fire, Jah music never ends
When a region of Gaia is trembling
Urantia is raped and Ethiopia pillaged
Send a peace offering to each troubled nation
Do all to prevent war wherever ye can
Send cannabinoids and flavinoids
Herbs, spices and oils,
Soymeal, vitamins and minerals
Sweet Herb and chocolate
Lemons and olives
Ethiopian coffee
And wheat from Afar
Pasta and rice and beans
From all nations
Corn and cassava
Cassia and myrrh
Concurrent with Sahara revival
In the east build a new Holy Temple
Out of war bring Us Peace
In Messawa, Eritrea
HIM EHSI Museum in Jah restored mansion
By the new House of David by land and by sea
With a large common centre
and six private chapels
Shared by the faiths
from ALL of the lands
Adjacent or nearby to HIM EHSI Museum
Our Holy Ground for Abraham and Sons
And all of our guests from all of the nations
Come worship together in Unity’s name
The north star is Jeshua
Who captured the gentiles
Northwest is Judaic to
Remember that journey
Southwest for Mohammed
Ethiopia gave shelter
South for Ras Tafari
For Africa, for Jah
Southeast for all the humanists
NGOs, peacemakers and enviros
Northeast for Eastern Faiths
Buddist and Hindu, Sikh and Bahai
Draw it on paper you will see what I mean
Start with the Star of the singing Saint-King
The Common in center holds all of the people
That can’t find a corner to love and fit in
Hold back your tongue you doubters and diers!
I don’t worship these idols you sell in your stores
Yet from each we can learn and be good hosts
As we would desire in a friendlier world
So hold back your tongues you friends of Belial
You know not your life then open not your mouth
How many times do I have to send this message?
Have you no Love of Life, no desire to see Jah?
Even if I die, I am just one more messenger
The temple gets built by the sure hand of Jah
For in His Name does Jeshua gain fame
There are still far too many who know not His Name
Sahara Wall is most crucial
For Africa and for Man
Azazel stops here
A line in the sand
Inafrica Line is the Hope of the Nations
Power from the sun and the winds blow all day
Connecting the people with water and transport
Medicine and power and knowledge and Light
Holy Tafari comes Third like a Trinity
Shining the Light of the LORD to all men
Preserving Thy Word for the global community
Creating a home for thy people and then
The Temple of the House of David
Shall rise in the northeast of Africa
Prepare for the Day of Peace among Men
By air, land and sea, they come to begin
SahInaHolDav, SahInaHolDav
Four steps to the Light
See SahInaHolDav
Who sent family to Ethiopia
To escape pagan persection
In a fine Christian Land?
Let Islamic people come
Who defended Jeshua
In the twentieth century
In the face of evil men?
Let Rasta and Amhara people come
Who can turn the cheek
Say prayers for the meek
Heal, help, each day of the week?
Let Christian people come
Who can claim Solomon
And Jeshua as kin
People of Abraham, Moses and David
Let Judaic and Palestinian people come
Who helps his brother
Samaritan sisters, nurses and doctors
Peacekeepers and nature preservers
Let those of good works come
Who leads by example
Whose peace is eternal
The East, so living and mystical
Let those of good mind come
Between the Temple and Museum
Remember Berhane, Bob Marley, Elijah
Saint John the Baptist, Holy Spirit and Light
For Nesta proclaimed HIM to the nations
He proclaimed HIM on High
With wailing Word and searing song
Miraculous mood and joyful tunes
Righteous among us, a Leader of Men
So build Bob a Pathway, a Garden
Outdoors under sky
With music and green pastures
Good people live High
A solar amphitheatre
For rejoicing with Brethren
Where people from all nations
Sing in Bob Marley Stadium
Seats for four thousand
With stage in the center
Grass hills that surround us
Hold eleven thousand more
Messawa, listen up!!!
This is no burden!!!!!
You now have your freedom
To be true and be great
They will come from Harar
They will come from Afar
From Addis Ababa
Jerusalem and Cairo
From New York and London
From Paris and Tokyo
From Toronto my home
They will build by your side
Even while they laugh at me and my brothers
Struggling for our lives in the desert
They will come to you Messawa
The Sacred and the Profane
The Holy and the disdainers
They will be curious of your wonders
These strange and beautiful new monuments
Oh, they will come to you, so be prepared
Stop the lies right about - NOW!
There, you feel better, now get on with the carpet
The foundation and roof
The Son of the silent silence
The crown of the silent night
Glory of the Father, Virtue of the Mother
Three powers came forth from Him
Jah provide the Father, the Mother, and the Son:
Eternal Father, mind as One
Virginal Mother, presiding over heaven,
Ineffable, uninterpretable power
She gave birth to herself!
In agreement with the silent Father
O Jah, through Thy providence
Illuminate the meaning of Son
Bring forth from Thy bosom
Thy secret of the seven seals
For who now is worthy?
Who is ready for Zion
For Jah Holy Herb
Twenty two revelations
I and My Father are One
Our work here is quietly done
We burn Kaneh Bosm, smoke herb in peace
Anointing each new Sacred Son
Teach my words in these eight cities
Jamaica, Tafari, Messawa, Harar
Mecca and Medina
Nazareth and Jerusalem
Shashemene, send some to Messawa
To Tafari come strong
Twelve Tribes in Tafari
Inafricans live free
Then the Tribe of Gad shall come
with Patrick and the sons of Gad,
Shall be Eliasaph the son of Reuel,
Joseph shall receive these in Tafari
Before laying in the Valley of Kings
Ibnijah, Born on Chanuka
Let Ye Light shine forth
Those who know of Jeshua
Help save Africa today
and the World tomorrow
Those who know not the LORD
Take the time to read about Jesus
Jeshua of Nazareth, change darkness to Light
Only with this One can there be Unity;
Call Jah what you may, but YHSWH
The Nazarene, is that Name incarnate
Anointed Messiah, Christos, Saviour
We Thank You Eternally JESHUA
Unity is Yours
I Love You
Well Isn't This Interesting
1 day ago
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