I stand in the sun before ye, bringing both Peace and technology, while the birds sing around me all day. Allah gives the good news to His servants, to those who believe and do good deeds, say: I do not ask of you any reward for it, but Love for my near relatives.
The beautiful names belong to God: Jah, Yahweh, Allah
Creator of All, Bringer of glad tidings to the faithful
I bring Light, Guidance, Mercy; Listen, hold your Peace
Ye shall receive due Mercy
Tal Rafah KhanAra houses college n culture, lives n cures
Robihwara for medicine, government professional retail
Aqa Youni for education vocation, sports n recreation
I call My Youth from Kuwait, from Jordan, from Lebanon
Come build the peace with We!
The LORD of Musa, Isa and Muhammad lives on
He shall reward those who do good
With full forgiveness, honourable sustenance
We have found the promises of Our Lord to be true
Yours is a Good and Forgiving Land, all Ye shall revive
Allah has provided many signposts to guide Believers
Palestinian, Judean, Ityopian; 18th Dynasty in 21st Century!!!
Take refuge in the LORD of Humanikind: Allah, Yahweh, Jah
Blessed be Allah, Cherisher and Sustainer of Our Universe
We produce every kind of harvest from Our clean Good Land
Hemp, flax, spirulina, prunes, raisins, all fruits of the trees
Bee pollen, Olives, spinach, tomatoes, strawberries; all good
O Lord, pour patience upon us like water, We bow Our heads
Bring firm peace among My people, make Us do right
Shoshenq watered here, then Yuya and Musa came thru
Sargon batlled Egypt, Ptolemy IV defeated Antiochus III
North of Ra, west of Youni, Tal Rafah Khan Ara emerges
Shining peacefully in the sun, a beacon to All Jah Nations
Your LORD is the Preserver of All things – Al-Lah
Say the Truth, He is the Most High, the Great – The God
Who gives sustenance? Allah, in a time of mutual amnesty
Alljah Almighty is wise and All-Knowing …
Why should thirst scorch My Children, Jordan and Nile?
Ours are blameless, each Believer an eternal gemstone
Pure waters, sweet air and wild honey welcome all
Reunion of souls from centuries and families
A solar city arising so Holy and shining
Jah Men be building, for that is Our calling
Music and arts are powerful freedoms
Khan You see a new wonder, a Princess of Christ
Alljah was greatly troubled by the divisions among the Sons of Abraham, and across the wider plain of all humanity; the trials and tribulations of an urban Rasta at the dawn of the electronic age, a Disciple of Ras Tafari in the global village.
Ranta offered a ten year hudna, while Yassi proposed one hundred yet in the madness of the moment, both were destroyed in the early months of the fouth year of Sharon’s War. Rantisi followed in the footsteps of Ghandi, Mandela, King and Biko, and his days will be remembered. I and I haadana Haile Sellassie; We hope and pray that ten centuries will be enough to heal these wounds Forever.
Let Isa and Khanara be a welcome to Alljah People
O truthful ones, I speak of a near fulfillment
When the birthday arrives, a nation starts at one
There is no other way to count it, so be strong and good
Nobody shall exert undue control or profiteer or harm
Palestine, Israel and Ethiopia; Holy Lands All
Egypt, Arabia, India, China; Europe Africa, Amharicas …
All of Gaia is Alljah Land …
Robihwa Arafat; Praise Allah!
Aqa Younis; Praise Allah!
A full breath of Life, a spirit renewed
How joyous to see Our flock living safely
Water from above for My dusty, downtrodden Children
If I have made errors herein, they are my own imperfections
If I have gone the wrong way, propose a clearer vision
I and I stride with the Oneness of Tafari and Ghandi
Trueness of Jeshua and Marley, Solomon and Muhammad
With love and grace from Our Merciful Hah Allah
This helpful direction is truly what Our Lord reveals to We
I am but a conduit; surely Jah hears I and I plea
Our Father shall bless I wherever I shall be
We pray that the shattered life will be gone forever
Allah Jah Supreme lights Our Universe and Gaia
A light like a lamp in smooth glass, a bright shining star
Isa is a Blessed olive branch, neither eastern nor western …
Jah Children of O and J lanes shall become leaders of the Peace in Tal Rafah Khan Arafat. Out of poverty, despair and illness shall arise strength, prosperity, health and the full, true dignity sought by All. KhanAra shall be a Light unto Gaza and Palestine, for throughout the Middle East and the Arabic and Islamic worlds, indeed everywhere on earth will rejoice, human beings shall be inspired by Our new Holy City. We love the Holy Lands and All Jah People who reside there.
A nation arising in Peace is beautiful: Jah, Yahweh, Allah!
May lands of Prophets forever be peaceful: Allah, Yahweh, Jah!
Well Isn't This Interesting
1 day ago
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