Hark, my Angels, Arise! Get up from your slumber!
El Shaddai - save us once more
Ras Tafari - guide these ones for
Jeshua - take my people home
From the center of the sweet, Holy Tafari shall arise. Sixty four miles from gate to gate to gate to gate, Ya can’t wait. From the heart of Sahara, Holy Tafari shall arise. Sixty four miles from edge to edge to edge to edge, Anointed Gates.
Simeon, Levi, Judah, Joseph,
Benjamin, Reuben, Issachar,
Zebulun, Gad, Dan,
Naphtali and Asher
Four corners of Tafari
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
Your sentinel to the nations rises to the sky,
Illuminating broad pathways
St. John, Jah Divine Revealer of the invisible Temple, Heart of Holy Tafari, Jah Provider, Jeshua. Yes, your walls are ornamented, You shine and gleam like no other, Your disciples stand like rock eternal, never mindful of the shifting sands.
Peter, foundation of jasper
Andrew, sparkling sapphire
James, son of Zebedee, chalcedony
John, son of Zebedee, green emerald
Philip, foundation of sardonyx
Bartholomew, red sardius stone
Thomas, gleaming chrysolite
Matthew, precious beryl
James, son of Alphaeus, topaz
Lebbaeus, golden chrysoprasus
Simon, shining jacinth
Judas, purple amethyst
Matthias share the royal
With one who came before
Remembered from antiquity
Quartz of violet is your legacy
In the lands of Bob Marley, are Taoudenn and Adrar, in Salah and Sebha, Agadez, Murzuq, Ghat and Al Jawf, Inafrica arise and heal all the nations! Out of Tummo, Djado and Bilma, Abeche and El Atrun, Shall salvation be Born.
Men, women and children; Sweet Sahara calls to you.
Send your sons and daughters to Tafari, send stone that built Harar’s Holy Wall, birthplace of our young Lord; Holy City to Mohammed’s family.
Yes, from Afar and Harar
Cairo, Tel Aviv and Damascus
From Jamaica, America and England
Look at them come to your Holy City!
I and I know that what is revealed is all that is seen and all that will be. By the power of Melchizedek, dominion on Earth shall pass from Belial to the Righteous Sons of Light. Congegration of the Sons of Righteousness, heed the message of Jah Ras Tafari, His Majesty Emperor Haile Sellassie I, Defender of Unity, of Jeshua and Man.
Ethiopians, Judeans and Palestinians
You share DNA that is absent from others
Ye are the people of the God of History
With great power comes great responsibility
I will deliver ye from the power of enemies, redeem ye from being ground under foot by those who despise you. I will bring Thee to the land of your foreparents, and ye shall be redeemed and Ye shall multiply. I rejoice over Thee, Good Rasta people, I am Jah; Ye are MY people.
Illuminate My words in your works
I was tortured and nailed to a cross
Beaten, strangled and thrown in the ground
Rose again and again in the souls of men
Baptize by water, anoint by fire; ALL chosen Israelites are anointed by Fire.
Consider the might of the LORD and remember His wonderful deeds. Through awe of Him, may your spirit rejoice! In your time on this Earth, hold no grudge against your brother. Disciples of His Majesty, seek Jah to shine in, not on, your countenance. Seek to glow from within, for it is better to give than to receive. In the spirit of the new way, heed the law from within.
Ten (Thank you, my brother James,
for the inspired translation) affirmations of discipline:
I shall destroy idols
I shall honour one Creator
I shall preserve Thy Name
I shall preserve Jah Sabbath
I shall preserve Life
I shall preserve Love
I shall preserve Truth
I shall preserve goods
I shall honour my parents
I shall destroy jealousy
Jah is Peace
When a region of Gaia is trembling, Urantia is raped and Ethiopia pillaged, send a peace offering to each troubled nation. Do all to prevent war wherever ye can. Send cannabinoids and flavinoids, herbs, spices and oils, flax, pollen, spirulina, kelp, soymeal, vitamins and minerals, sweet Herb and chocolate, lemons and olives, Ethiopian coffee and wheat from Afar, pasta and rice and beans from all nations, corn and cassava, cassia and myrrh.
Like Olynthus we build on a sweeping plateau
Streets west to east rising gently south to north
Every home or building shall have south-facing windows
Skate down the hill, Jah Shines brightly on all
The winged solar-disk is a tool and a symbol, Use it with care, heal the nations in there. Inafrica, Sahara, Tafari; Remember the Blessed Lion of the Sun, SahInaHolDav.
Our Holy City Tafari, Arise!
Gong seh:
If we are going to win the revolution, We have to win it with Rasta, for if ya win another way, ya have to fight again. If We win with Rasta, there’s no more war.
A prayer for Holy Tafari Temple, in honour of Berhane Selassie:
May Jah grace ye with the Holy Spirit
With all His rewards may He delight you
May He grace you with overseeing
With the holy spirit and loving-kindness
With an eternal covenant may He grace you,
Causing you to greatly rejoice
As He graced you with righteous judgement
That you not stumble
May He look graciously upon all your works
May He grace you with eternal truth
May He look graciously upon all your youth
May He guide and protect Rasta people
I have heard the words of this people
They are right in all they have spoken
Heed the words of Jah Prophet
Speaking of goodness in My name
Jah Ras Tafari sees clearly
Hears utterances of the Word
Knows the knowledge of the Most High
Still today with one eye open
Jahn Hoy observed Your word,
And kept Your covenant
His people burn incense before You
and sing songs of joyful praise
They will praise Him for His grace
Saying Arise, Jah Ras Tafari
Your name is my deliverance
My rock, my fortress, my deliverer
Jah, You renew my heart
Turn to me and be gracious to me
Give of Your strength to Your servant
Show me a good omen
I, Your anointed one, have understanding,
and I will tell others about You,
For You have given me knowledge
You have endowed me with great insight
Create Jah City on a rock foundation, from learning and Light and heavenly might; work with nature. Be the peacekeepers among the peacekeepers, O children of Tibesti. Let not them sway you from the Way, My people of Tibesti, for Tafari will shine so brightly in Heaven and on Earth, as Jah so prescribed. From Tummo to Faya, Addis Ababa to Harar, Timbuktu to Messawa, Word of Tafari spreads far. Light up Jah Holy City with wisdom, love and understanding, for Jeshua teach us to Love and respect one another, as we would have done unto self, if only our hearts were so pure.
Krishnah to Elijah, David and Solomon to Jeshua and Muhammad, Selassie, Marley and Mandela, from Yusuf, Yuya, Joseph, Amram, Omri, Reuel, Abishalom, Labayu, King Saul, Sol-Amonyotef, Moses, Shammai, Musa, Rehoboam to King Josiah, Josiah, the Lord burns; the fire of the Lord. Jeremiah - Prophet of Book of Jeremiah and Deuteronomy, Kings and more. Jeremiah, exaltation of the Lord, throwing forth waters. Ezra, compiler of the Torah, Ezra, help; court. Isaiah, Daniel, Buddha, Lao-Tse, Judith, Maccabeus Brothers, Confucious, Ashoka, Jeshua, Joshua, a savior; a deliverer. Mark, St. John the Divine, Luke, Matthew, John, Peter, Paul, James, Muhammad, a Messenjah.
I and I pledge to try and bring about three fundamental changes on Our planet. The first will be to eliminate all warfare and bring about a lasting peace, within the lifetime of a Galilean. The second will be to eradicate starvation and preventable childhood illness, achievable before the end of the century. The third is an end to all hunger and malnutrition, the ensuring of life-giving and varied, whole-food nourishment to all humans, and this may take up to a thousand years, yet is a noble goal that is worth pursuing even if it takes ten thousand years.
Preaching the absolute equality of the sexes, races, ethnicities and religions, there is nothing beyond total egalitarianism and universal Love. Jeshua seh: I am the Light.
Hindu, Judaic, Buddhist, Christian, Islamic, Sikh, Bahai, Rasta and all faiths, respect each other and Love all Humanikind, as ye love your own people.
Sometimes I feel things too intensely
Can't keep up with the social brutality
In the year Twenty Thirty-five
Two Thousand years since He died
Jeshua come back today
Jeshua please come to stay
In ten billion hearts
Through this millennium
Jesh taught the people courageous things; He terrified the Romans, and annoyed the Sadducees, the Pharisees, and even sometimes Jah Children of Light, the Essentials. HIM seh all men are equal, women are Divine just as men are, youth are as valued as elders, and the message of JHSVH is for All Humanikind, All Children of Light, and not just for the Sons of Abraham. And the earth went completely around the sun one thousand, nine hundred and sixty seven times before the people began to fully feel His Love, see God’s Light, and bring forth Jah Peace.
Over time, terror subsides and fades through a combination of enlightenment, sustenance, infrastructure and education.
What kind of future are we building when the rich countries are not concerned with the health and happiness of Africa, the birthplace and natural mansion of humanity? Followers of Thy son Isaac and his son Jacob, readers of David, Solomon, Musa, Buddha, Jeshua and Muhammad, heed this: if you let these people, MY people, go, there will be a price hotter than hell to pay, but we don't want to go there. Sahara Wall is a bridge-time, from past day to forever. Unity is ALL in Tafari, Inafrica. Unity is Yours, JESHUA, manifest in Jah.
Sacred Musicians are each begotten by Fire, purified into the Light, and I and I Hope and Pray unto Jah that These may concentrate the rays thereof, and reflect such insight and harmonious energy out among the nations. For the Light of Jeshua is in the manifestation of Elijah, the face of the Sun, the Energy and Spirit of I and I.
Every time I see You
I just have to catch my breath
We’re living in the Age of Rasta
Sister can’t ya see that yet?
And ever, ever, every time
I give thanks to Jah LORD Above
Feel free as a dove, strong as a horse
Roar like a Lion, when
I sing this Song to You
Here we drink
of the blood
of the wine
of the vine
of the House of David
Here we eat
of the body
of bread
of the Life
and the knowledge of Jesus
Oh Lord - take me home
Oh Lord - make me your own
Here we pray
and we wait
for the day
of the morning
with no warning of danger
Here we stand
with the Son
of the man
of creation
who lay in a manger
Oh Lord - I feel it comin' today
Oh Lord - Your will is my way
Inafricans live free in the city that I shall sanctify. The LORD is there, established in My name: Tafari, Inafrica.
To Holy Tafari, son of Harar
Books will be brought
From near and from far
Education is the key
HIM EHSI University
English campus
Amharic campus
Arabic campus
Campus Francais
Tafari economy
Teaching, guidance
Fellowship, mediation
Restoration, meditation
Inafrica economy
Energy, peace
Agriculture, love
Culture, music
Seekers will come to see a place west of the sanctuary, a stoa of many columns, for the sin offerings and the guilt offerings. By the western gate We Celebrate, for today is the
Day of the First Fruits, new grain, New Wine, grapes, pomegranates, figs, any edible fruit of the tree.
In the inner city there are three courts, with twelve gates in the middle court, like the twelve gates of the city limits. These are pathways to your mind, Your visitation with Israel’s sons. For your journey to Tafari bring what’s worthy and bring your money.
The First One they hung live with criminals
The Second One they threw in the ground
We are building before the nations, they laugh yet bow down to us, they are scared and curious, yet there are good ones among them. A very discreet terrace leads to Invisible Temple. The dry moat is your signal, Your beckoning garden of yore, separating the Holy Tafari Temple, from even the Holy City.
Do not enter My temple without thought
Do not dare to defile it
Study the Word of Jeshua
and His Majesty’s Utterances
Before entering HTT
Ye must sanctify and revere My temple,
For I dwell in your midst.
Ye are children belonging to the LORD your God
Take care of your bodies, respect and love women
For ye are a people holy to the LORD your God.
I warn you all Israel, Ethiopia, Jamaica, and India, that Babylon is an impure whore!!! Find the knowledge in Abraham’s people, seek truth and justice and freedom. Judge the people righteously, be impartial in your judgment. You know that bribery perverts justice and subverts the testimony of the righteous man, blinds the eye of the wise, causes great guilt and defiles the courthouse with iniquitous sin. Pursue justice solely, so that you may live, entering and inheriting the land that I am about to give you, as an inheritance forever. If you vow to help build Tafari, then help build Tafari. If you vow to travel to Tafari, then travel to Tafari. When you make a vow do not delay fulfilling it, for I will require it of you. When you hear those people saying, “Let us go serve other Gods!” do not laugh, do not go, but rather, believe only in the One.
By northwest find the English
Gateway for United Nations and peoples
Southwest for learning and
Trade in French Quarter
Gateway to Chad and Niger and Africa
Northeast for studies and
Worship in Arabic
Gateway for Libya, Egypt, Sudan and Palestine
South and East for study and prayer
In Jah Holy Amharic and Hebrew
Gateway for Ethiopia and Israel and
OAU Peace Army
In all of these neighbours
On all of Thy streets
ALL tongues shall be spoken
In Holy Tafari
Tibesti called and called again; A Holy City in the desert in the middle of Africa!!! As the magic comes to fore, with the world's blessing, Tafari builds to fruition in northwestern Chad. A photovoltaic paradise, from the Temple to the hillside; view the terraced subterranean solar homes, and see the gardens beginning to emerge.
Jah, everlasting, Eternal Godhead, champion of Jeshua in the twentieth century, Defender of the Faith; I will stand by You through the quickening and beyond war, as Yuya did for the Lion back in the day. Holy Tafari stands forever as a testament, a living, breathing, healing, Life-Giving celebration of Christ.
Well Isn't This Interesting
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