Modern law comes from the ten commandments and the true common sense of humans, developed over centuries as common law, and as Jahn Hoy sayeth, We move forward inexorably. Humanity rapidly ascends to the level of the human Gods and Prophets all revere - Solomon, Buddha, Jeshua and Muhammad.
Yuya Zephaniah
Onam Reuel Omri
Imram Abishalom
My son, there is still one task remaining. Remind Jah people of what the LORD has achieved. From Imhotep and Inyotef to the glorious rapture of Humankind, Jahseph must hold the key. Jah, everlasting, Eternal Godhead, champion of Jeshua in the twentieth century, Defender of the Faith; I will stand by You through the quickening and beyond war, as Yuya did for the Lion back in the day.
Tell me why it is that every second male child born in Quebec is given the name Joseph. Has the Bride of Christ crossed over the Atlantic unto the northern reaches of Amharica?
The people cried to Pharaoh for bread
Pharaoh said unto all
Go unto Joseph; what he saith to you, do
Imagine a Parliament for global democracy near Montreal; a voice for directly elected, regionally representative members, to join together as delegates of people and regions rather than nation states. The longer term goal is for all people to be guaranteed life under the rule of law with democratic representation on at least four levels: local, regional, national and international. This is progress.
Every country in the United Nations, Bless You
Every People on every Island on Earth, Grace You
Every Faith that believes in beneficence, Love You
Jah Jah Provider, Loving, tender Provider; Need You
Parliament may grow from 472 members to 492 members over the twenty year period of 2012 to 2032, with one new representative added each year. Each new member should represent an increased allocation for a nation or region that has improved and strengthened democracy and freedom, while also reflecting the higher standing of a country or region that has developed clean energy and industry technologies, and preserved natural diversity through sustainable economic and environmental practices.
A rapid and quickening phasing out of toxic, centralized, war-based energy sources (oil, uranium, coal) must be accompanied by massive investment in and deployment of more egalitarian and decentralized clean energy production technologies, with natural gas and biomass as the bridge fuels.
Prince Elliott had left for Itopia, and the snow was just starting to melt, and The City beginning to thaw, when Elijah received a missive from His first mentor, saying, Sermons and worthy books are always talking of respect for the human personality and of the inviolability of conscience. In the context of our Christian civilization, those phrases have no meaning unless all men are regarded as fundamentally free and equal, each man being of infinite value in himself, bound only by his own conscience; from which it must follow that neither authority nor obedience ought to be taken for granted. If my father, my priest, or my king wants to exert authority over me, if he wants to give me orders, he has to be able to explain, in a way that satisfies my reason, on what grounds he must command and I must obey.
Hemp, bee pollen, bitter herbs, wild berries and water were what kept Us alive when crossing the Sinai, a tortuous, mystical journey. Sha Bee brings Us Light, from the Candle; Food, from the Pollen; Health, from the Propolis and Royal Jelly; and Joy, through the sweetness of Honey; eat of This.
Alljah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the Sons of Jacob, and the same number for the Disciples of Jeshua, and said, LORD God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Israel and Judah, of Jeshua and of Muhammad, let it be known this day that Thou art God in All of Gaia, and that I am Thy servant, and that I have done all these things at Thy Word.
Events in recent decades have proven that even though nationalist movements will use extreme violence to achieve statehood, creating more and more economically less viable UN members may not be the way to peace and harmony. If it means forgiving the debts of two or more nations that make peace and agree to unite as one democratic and open nation, then Praise Be to God! Direct regional representation in a global parliament is a part of the solution, but we must also foster local unity as harmony in one's community is both required and desired.
Brother Edmund saith, The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. God hath sent me to work these things with thee, whereby all the earth shall be astonished, and everyone shall hear it. Thy servant is religious, and serveth Jah of Heaven day and night. I am Thy Fellowservant, and ye of Thy Brethren that have the testimony of Jeshua, worship Jah. The testimony of Jeshua is the spirit of prophecy. Jeshua seh that what is hidden is meant to be out in the open, and that all things will be revealed.
Well Isn't This Interesting
1 day ago
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