1. Alternative Fuels & Advanced Vehicles Data Center x
This Office of Transportation Technologies site has information on the latest advances in alternative fuels, vehicles, refueling sites, and more.
2. The American Solar Energy Society x
ASES is a national organization dedicated to advancing the use of solar energy for the benefit of U.S. citizens and the global environment.
3. American Wind Energy Association x
AWEA advocates the development of wind energy as a reliable, environmentally superior energy alternative in the United States and around the world.
4. Florida Solar Energy Center x
FSEC is the largest and most active state-supported renewable energy and energy efficiency research, training and certification institute in the United States.
5. Re-Energy x
Informative and educational site that teaches about various forms of Renewable Energy and then teaches you how to build and use them.
6. National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium x
NAFTC fosters a clean environment for the benefit of all people through education, training and research dealing with advanced fuels and engine systems.
7. Renewable Energy Policy Project x
REPP supports the advancement of renewable energy technology through policy research.
8. Alternative Technology Association x
A non-profit community group that aims to use and promote environmentally friendly technology, including renewable energy sources such as the sun, wind and water; building with natural materials and conserving energy.
Find information on alternative fuels (propane or LPG, natural gas, hydrogen, methanol, ethanol, biodiesel), hybrid electric vehicles, batteries and fuel cells.
10. California Energy Commission x
The California Energy Commission is the state's primary energy policy and planning agency, charged with ensuring a reliable and affordable energy supply.
11. Pollution.com x
The latest nuclear energy and pollution news.
12. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network x
EREN contains comprehensive information on several alternative energy technologies, including: bioenergy, hydropower, wind, solar and geothermal.
13. Solar Energy International x
SEI's workshops give individuals the knowledge and skills to design, install and maintain renewable energy systems and to build state-of-the-art solar homes that are efficient, practical, and earth friendly.
14. American Coalition For Ethanol x
A non-profit membership association devoted to promoting the increased production and use of ethanol.
15. European Wind Energy Association x
"The main objective of EWEA is to ensure that the general public, the media, decision makers and politicians are made aware of the reality of wind power, and understand the rapid progress being made in the industry which will allow wind energy to play an increasing role as a clean power for generations."
16. GreenMountain.com x
The leading brand for cleaner electricity in the U.S.
17. Home Power x
A leading source for renewable energy news and developments.
18. International Solar Energy Society x
ISES is the oldest and largest international non-profit organization for the promotion of solar and renewable energy.
19. CALSTART's Advanced Transportation Website x
Among the advanced transportation and alternative energy initiatives CALSTART is concerned with: fuel cell technology, electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles and natural gas use.
20. The National Wind Technology Center x
Learn about the latest wind turbine research or browse the wind resource database.
21. AGORES x
A global overview of renewable energy sources from the Official European Commission Web Site for Renewable Energy Sources.
22. EERE Biomass Program x
The U.S. Department of Energy Biomass Program develops technology for conversion of biomass (plant-derived material) to valuable fuels, chemicals, materials and power, so as to reduce dependence on foreign oil and foster growth of biorefineries.
23. Union of Concerned Scientists x
The UCS Energy Program examines the benefits and costs of our society's energy use, and promotes energy solutions that are renewable, safe, and cost-effective.
24. "The Veggie Van" x
They call it "The Veggie Van" and they fuel it with used vegetable oil from fast food restaurants.
25. Energy.gov x
The Department of Energy's new info-centric portal, providing information on the energy that surrounds you at school, home, work and in the community and world.
26. Energy Information Administration x
The EIA is responsible for energy data collection and dissemination of national and international data, including energy analyses and energy forecasts. Part of the U.S. Dept. of Energy.
27. Office of Energy Efficiency x
Promotes energy efficiency and the use of alternative transportation fuels through 19 programs aimed at the residential, commercial, industrial, institutional and transportation sectors.
28. Solar Energy Society of Canada Inc. x
SESCI issues: energy conservation, building a strong Canadian renewable energy industry, and preserving a healthy, sustainable environment by increasing the use of solar and other renewable energies.
29. Arizona Solar Center x
Arizona's top resource for solar energy issues, news, breakthroughs and more.
30. The British Wind Energy Association x
Acting to promote the use of wind power - an abundant, clean and sustainable source of energy.
31. Solar Utlities Network x
Proven ideas for saner energy use. Solarnet gathers project plans and strategies that help reform our energy habits.
32. National Hydropower Association x
Nonprofit national association dedicated exclusively to advancing the interests of the hydropower industry.
33. Solar Living Institute x
Mission: to promote sustainable living through inspirational environmental education.
34. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Fact Sheet x
Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion.
35. Centre for Alternative Technology x
An educational charity striving to achieve the best cooperation between the natural, technological and human worlds.
36. The Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Letter x
Launched in May 1986 originally as "The Hydrogen Letter," our publication is the voice of the international hydrogen and fuel cell communities, covering events and developments in this emerging field as they occur.
37. Sustainable Minnesota x
A coalition working to improve the quality of life, the environment and the economy of Minnesota by promoting energy efficiency and the sound use of renewable energy.
38. American Methanol Institute x
Touts the use of methanol as the "clear alternative" to gasoline. Offers information on methanol, fuel cell vehicles and reformulated gasolines.
39. The Source for Renewable Energy x
The Source for Renewable Energy is a comprehensive guide to over 4000 renewable energy businesses and organizations around the world.
40. Northeast Sustainable Energy Association x
Fosters the use of renewable and sustainable energy, the responsible use of non-renewable forms of energy, and conveys the value of these practices for the preservation of the environment.
41. Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition x
The NGVC represents more than 180 natural gas companies; engine, vehicle and equipment manufacturers; and service providers, as well as environmental groups and government organizations interested in the promotion and use of natural gas as a transportation fuel.
42. National Renewable Energy Laboratory x
The U.S. Department of Energy's premier laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research, development and deployment.
43. National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Publications Database x
Contains references to documents related to sustainable energy technologies.
44. Renewable Energy Concepts x
Mission: to prevent the depletion of natural resources and protect the beauty of our environment through the use of renewable energy and energy efficient products.
45. House-Energy x
Offers tips for how to make your home energy-efficient.
46. Critical Mass Energy Project x
A powerful voice for protecting AmericaĆs natural resources by promoting renewable and energy efficiency technologies, watch-dogging nuclear safety issues, stopping the reckless disposal of radioactive waste, ensuring that environmental and consumer interests are protected as the electric utility industry deregulates, and improving transportation policy.
47. Solar Century x
Promotes use of solar power through solar roofs and solar panels.
48. Solar Harvest x
Solar Harvest is a mutual support and education organization promoting the use of alternative energy and living a sustainable lifestyle.
49. Tata Energy Research Institute x
Conducts both scientific and policy research in the fields of energy, environment, biotechnology, forestry and a whole range of sustainable development issues.
50. Transportation Action Network x
Non-profit organization transportation initiatives that support smart growth and lower pollution levels.
51. Southwest Windpower, Inc. x
The world's leading manufacturer of small battery charging wind turbines.
52. World Energy Council x
The WEC analyses global, regional and local energy and energy-related issues, both current and for the longer term (now out to 2100).
53. Windpower Monthly x
Often provocative, sometimes arrogant, occasionally irreverent, always informed, Windpower Monthly blows fresh air into the international energy debate.
54. Our Energy x
Compact description of various renewable and non-renewable energy sources. Information on energy and its influence on ecology and environment.
55. Energy Alternatives x
Progressive organization providing clean, renewable sources of power generation.
56. Southwest Technology Development Institute x
A non-profit university-based organization that provides applied research and development services in technology development to private and public sector clients. SWTDI was established in 1977 as the New Mexico Solar Energy Institute, and has active research programs in energy and environmental systems.
57. Geothermal Technologies Program x
Mission: establish geothermal energy as an economically competitive contributor to the U.S. energy supply.
58. AeroVironment x
AeroVironment is known for product and technology innovation in clean energy and efficient vehicles.
59. IEA International Energy Agency x
The IEA has established a legal framework for international collaboration and carries out an energy technology program among its 23 member countries including R&D, demonstration and information exchange.
60. SolarElectric.com x
Contains 100+ pages of design information and equipment for making electricity with solar panels, wind generators and hydroelectric power.
61. International Geothermal Association x
Encourages research, development and utilization of geothermal resources worldwide through the compilation, publication and dissemination of scientific and technical data and information.
62. Platts x
Besides covering the U.S. and international energy markets, Platts also reports on oil, petrochemicals, non-ferrous metals, shipping, power and natural gas.
63. New Zealand Geothermal Association x
Encourage research, development and use of geothermal energy in New Zealand.
64. The Energy Service Company x
Experts in solar energy, with working experience in both active and passive solar systems.
65. The Energy Conservation Bookstore x
Subjects include: alternative energy, biomass, energy efficiency, fuel cell, photovoltaics, renewable energy, solar, and more.
66. Bioenergy Information Network x
Focuses on the domestic production, recovery, and conversion of energy crops and residues to economically priced, environmentally beneficial fuels and power generation.
67. Oak Ridge National Laboratory x
Working to find ways to make buildings, industries, power generation, and transportation more energy-efficient and easier on the environment.
68. The Online Fuel Cell Information Center x
"Everything you ever wanted to know about fuel cells . . ."
69. Greenpeace: Renewable Energy x
Read a report which gives examples of energy efficiency and renewable energy technology currently in use and being developed in Central and Eastern Europe.
70. Home Energy x
Information about alternative energy and energy conservation both for people who work on homes and for those who live in them.
71. Sandia National Laboratories: Wind Energy Technology x
Laboratory conducts applied wind energy research in several areas to increase the viability of wind technology by improving wind turbine performance and reducing their cost.
72. Energy Literacy Advocates x
"Energy Literacy Advocates (ELA) is a non-partisan, non-profit, public education organization working to improve the energy literacy of all sectors of our democracy."
73. INFORM, Inc. x
INFORM has been a leader in promoting the use of cleaner, safer alternatives to gasoline and diesel fueled vehicles.
74. The Alternative Fuel Technology Center x
Supports the reduction of harmful emissions, conservation of energy resources, reduction of dependence on foreign oil, as well as the development of the alternative fuel vehicle industry.
75. Atlantic Orient Corporation x
A marketer of small wind turbines. Based in Canada.
76. National Hydrogen Association x
Promotes the use of hydrogen, which it calls the "perfect fuel" that is "compatible with nature, rather than intrusive."
77. Build It Solar x
Plans, tools, & information to help you build solar projects that save money & reduce pollution.
78. Consumer Energy Council of America x
Founded in 1973, the CECA is the nation's senior public interest organization focusing on network industries.
79. Alternative Energy Institute x
AEI's primary emphasis has been placed on wind energy, though certain research and education are also on solar energy.
80. National Energy Foundation x
A nonprofit provider of educational materials and programs related to energy, natural resources, and the environment.
81. Wind Powering America x
Mission to dramatically increase the use of wind energy in the United States.
82. Energy Information on Internet x
Contains 880 detailed descriptions and characterizations of energy-related information sources that can be accessed through the Internet.
83. U.S. Fusion Energy Sciences Program x
The mission of the U.S. Fusion Energy Science Program is to acquire the knowledge base needed for an economically and environmentally attractive fusion energy source.
84. The Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii x
This unique ocean science and technology park houses several businesses that produce energy, desalinate water, grow lobsters and fish, produce algae and shellfish, grow cold climate fruit and vegetables in the tropics and much, much more.
85. Stanford Geothermal Program x
Aids in the development of reservoir engineering techniques to allow for the production of the nation's geothermal resources in the most efficient manner possible.
86. Handbook of EnergyCrops x
List containing descriptions of about 200 plant species that can be used to produce energy.
87. Dais-Analytic Corporation x
Dais-Analytic Corporation is a leading developer and producer of a new class of patented membrane materials and PEM fuel cell designs with applications in energy generation, management and storage.
88. Northern Power Systems x
Installer of commercial and industrial high reliability power systems.
89. The Electric Auto Association x
Promotes the use of electric vehicles as a more "clean, quiet, efficient transportation choice."
90. About.com: Alternative Energy The Renewable Fuels Association x
The RFA has been working for more than 15 years to expand the production and consumer use of ethanol fuels by removing regulatory and marketplace barriers.
91. Biofuels--BABFO x
Organization dedicated to the promotion of transport fuels and oils from renewable sources.
92. Energy Crossroads x
Wide array of pointers to energy-efficiency resources on the web.
93. MrSolar.com x
"Your contact point for information, products and services about every aspect of solar, wind & water power."
94. Rezachek & Associates x
Searchable compilation of information relating to renewable energy; efficient energy use; electric and hybrid vehicles (including solar cars).
95. Energy Central x
Leading professional portal for those in the electric power industry.
96. Creative Energy Technologies x
Renewable energy, efficient homes and appliances.
97. Planet Power x
"Biomass Renewable Energy SuperSite: Energy Crop Agriculture, Biomass Co-firing Engineering, Environmental Benefits, Economics, Green Energy Marketing, and Renewable Energy Policy."
98. SHEC Labs x
Working to provide a clean and viable alternative source of energy.
99. Texas Solar Energy Society x
An educational organization formed to promote solar and other renewable energy applications.
100. ScienceDaily: Renewable Energy News x
Archive of daily science news stories pertaining to renewable energy.
full article with links:
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