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Americans for Peace Now urged President Bush to open serious, determined and unconditional diplomacy with Iran. In a letter to the U.S. president Tuesday, the group's chair, Franklin Fisher, and president and CEO, Debra DeLee, said the recent publication of the National Intelligence Estimate on Iran "bolsters our conviction that the best interests of both the U.S. and Israel require direct, sustained, and unconditional U.S.-led diplomacy and engagement with Iran to resolve issues surrounding Iran�s nuclear program."
The letter urged Bush to view the intelligence report "as an opportunity to shift course, and to demonstrate the kind of real leadership and diplomacy necessary to deal effectively and responsibly with the challenge posed today by Iran."
Copies of the letter will be sent to all members of Congress and major presidential candidates.
The letter reflects Americans for Peace Now's longstanding contention that a U.S. policy toward Iran consisting of sanctions and threats of force is insufficient and potentially harmful to the interests of both the United States and Israel.
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